The Holy Instant is a central concept in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) that invites you to delve into the profound understanding of your spiritual journey. It is a moment of release from the ego’s influence and a recognition of your unity with all of creation. ACIM Holy Instant teaches you that you have the power to choose between illusions and reality in every moment of your life.

Within the Holy Instant lies the true meaning of your existence. By choosing illusions, you perpetuate the belief in separation and experience conflict, fear, and guilt. However, by choosing reality, you can experience the profound peace, love, and oneness that are inherent in your divine nature. The Holy Instant is a reminder that you are always connected to your Source, even when you forget this truth. It is a practice of recognizing false images, bringing them to the Holy Spirit, and experiencing the transformative power of release.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Holy Instant is a central concept in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) that explores your unity with all of creation.
  • Choosing illusions perpetuates the belief in separation, while choosing reality leads to profound peace and love.
  • The practice of the Holy Instant involves recognizing false images and bringing them to the Holy Spirit for release.
  • Through the Holy Instant, you can awaken to your true nature and experience the blessings of divine love and peace.
  • Understanding the Holy Instant is a transformative journey towards inner peace, love, and spiritual awakening.

The Power of Choice: Illusion or Reality

The Holy Instant emphasizes the power of our choices. We can choose to believe in the illusion of separation, which leads to conflict, fear, and guilt. Or we can choose to recognize our unity with all of creation and experience peace, love, and oneness. The practice of the Holy Instant involves recognizing when we are choosing illusions and bringing them to the Holy Spirit for release. A Course in Miracles provides a study guide to help us navigate this process and develop a deeper understanding of the Holy Instant.

By studying the teachings of A Course in Miracles, we learn to identify the false images offered by the ego and bring them to the Holy Spirit for healing. This practice requires us to be aware of our thoughts and emotions, and to make a conscious choice to let go of illusions and embrace reality. It is through this practice of discernment and surrender that we can experience the transformative power of the Holy Instant.

The ACIM study guide offers practical exercises and meditations to support us in the process of choosing reality over illusion. These exercises help us develop the habit of pausing, reflecting, and inviting the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our decision-making. By engaging in this practice regularly, we deepen our understanding of the Holy Instant and strengthen our ability to choose love over fear, peace over conflict, and unity over separation.

ACIM Study Guide

The Power of Choice: Illusion or Reality

Illusion Reality
Experience Conflict, fear, guilt Peace, love, oneness
Practice Choosing false images Recognizing unity
Guidance Ego’s influence Holy Spirit’s wisdom

“The power of choice is yours. Choose illusions and suffer, or choose reality and experience the peace and joy of the Holy Instant.” – A Course in Miracles

The Holy Instant is a reminder that we are not victims of circumstance, but active participants in the creation of our reality. It teaches us that our choices have consequences and that we have the power to choose between illusions and reality in every moment. By engaging in the practice of the Holy Instant and following the guidance of the ACIM study guide, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We can awaken to the truth of our unity with all of creation and experience the peace and joy that come from choosing reality over illusion.

The Desire for Specialness and the Choice for Separation

The concept of the Holy Instant in A Course in Miracles sheds light on the deep-seated desire for specialness that lies within our subconscious. This desire influences our choice for separation over unity and prevents us from fully experiencing the truth of our connection with all of existence. It is this choice for illusion that leads to the belief in a world of separation and the resulting experiences of conflict, fear, guilt, and loneliness.

However, it is important to remember that our choice for illusion is not permanent. Our minds are eternally united with God, and we have the power to shift our perception and choose reality. The teachings of the Holy Instant provide us with the tools to recognize the false images offered by the ego and bring them to the Holy Spirit for healing and release.

To truly comprehend the meaning of the Holy Instant, it is essential to engage in deep introspection and meditation. These practices help us unveil the illusions that have been created by our desire for specialness and open ourselves up to the truth of our unity. Through this process, we can release the false beliefs and experiences that have kept us trapped in separation and awaken to our inherent oneness with all of creation.

The Power of Meditation in Experiencing the Holy Instant

Meditation plays a crucial role in understanding and embodying the Holy Instant teachings. By stilling our minds and quieting the constant chatter of the ego, we create space for the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us. It is through this practice that we can cultivate the ability to recognize false images and bring them to the light of truth.

During meditation, we can experience moments of deep connection with our true nature and the divine presence within us. This connection allows us to release the grip of specialness and embrace the love and peace that accompany the Holy Instant. Regular meditation practice strengthens our connection with the Holy Spirit and deepens our understanding of the Holy Instant teachings, leading us towards spiritual awakening and true liberation.

Holy Instant meditation

Table: The Desire for Specialness vs. The Choice for Unity

The Desire for Specialness The Choice for Unity
Leads to belief in separation Embraces the truth of unity
Causes conflict, fear, guilt, and loneliness Brings peace, love, and oneness
Rooted in the ego’s illusions Aligned with the eternal presence of truth
Keeps us trapped in the cycle of suffering Offers a path to spiritual awakening

The table above highlights the contrast between the desire for specialness and the choice for unity. It illustrates the consequences of each choice and emphasizes the transformative power of embracing the Holy Instant teachings in A Course in Miracles.

Embracing the Call to Return Home

The Holy Instant is a powerful invitation to return to our true home, the embrace of God’s love. Despite our belief in separation, God’s love is always present and calling us back to unity. This call resonates in our hearts and serves as the catalyst for our spiritual awakening.

Through the Holy Instant teachings in A Course in Miracles, we are guided to recognize that the perception of separation is an illusion. It is not our true reality. As we deepen our understanding of the Holy Instant, we begin to experience the love and peace that naturally flow from our connection with the divine.

ACIM spiritual awakening

By embracing the call to return home, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. We let go of the limitations of our ego-based perceptions and open ourselves to the infinite possibilities of unity and love. The Holy Instant teachings provide us with the tools to release our illusions and remember the truth of our divine nature.

Embracing the Call to Return Home

Embracing the call to return home begins with a willingness to surrender our false beliefs and open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, meditation, and deep introspection, we create the space for the Holy Instant to work its transformative magic in our lives.

The journey of embracing the call to return home is unique for each individual, yet it is a universal path that leads to the remembrance of our true essence. As we align ourselves with the Holy Instant teachings, we release the burdens of the past and step into the present moment with a sense of peace and clarity.

As we embrace the call to return home, we rediscover the joy and love that are inherent in our true nature. We realize that we are not separate beings, but interconnected threads in the fabric of creation. The Holy Instant teachings empower us to live from a place of love, compassion, and unity, as we remember that our true home is the heart of God.

Quieting the Mind and Inviting the Holy Spirit

The practice of the Holy Instant involves quieting the mind and creating a sacred space for the presence of the Holy Spirit. By stilling our thoughts and letting go of distractions, we open ourselves to the guidance and wisdom of the Divine. Through meditation and dedicated practice, we cultivate a deep connection with the Holy Spirit, allowing for moments of release and peace to enter our lives.

In this sacred space, we bring our false images and illusions to the Holy Spirit for healing. We surrender our attachment to the ego’s perception of reality and invite the Holy Spirit to guide us towards truth. The Holy Instant meditation helps us recognize the illusions we have chosen and release them, allowing us to experience the divine love and peace that are always available to us.

As we embark on this journey of quieting the mind and inviting the Holy Spirit, it is important to remember that the Holy Instant practice is a process. It requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to let go of our attachments and beliefs. But with each moment of stillness and surrender, we create space for miracles to occur and for the truth of our divine nature to shine through.

Benefits of Quieting the Mind and Inviting the Holy Spirit Steps for Practicing the Holy Instant
  • Experience inner peace and tranquility
  • Release anxiety and stress
  • Gain clarity and insight
  • Deepen your spiritual connection
  • Find guidance and direction
  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  3. Release any thoughts or distractions that arise, gently bringing your focus back to your breath.
  4. Invite the presence of the Holy Spirit by saying a prayer or affirmation.
  5. Allow yourself to be still and open to receiving guidance and healing.
  6. When thoughts or judgments arise, acknowledge them without attachment and return to the stillness.
  7. End your practice with gratitude and carry the peace you have cultivated throughout your day.

“In the silence of the mind, the Holy Spirit speaks. And speaks and speaks, because silence is the language of truth.” – A Course in Miracles

The Eternal Presence of Truth

The Holy Instant teaches us that truth is eternal and always present, regardless of our choices. While we may perceive a world of separation, it is only because we have chosen to see it that way. Reality, which is rooted in unity and wholeness, remains unchanged by our illusions. The Holy Instant teaches us that behind every false idea lies the truth, and it is through our willingness to accept this truth that we can experience the holy instant. A Course in Miracles guides us to recognize the divine nature of reality and move beyond the limitations of our ego-based perceptions.

Throughout our lives, we may find ourselves caught up in illusions and false beliefs that lead to suffering and disconnection. The Holy Instant serves as a gentle reminder that these illusions are not real, and we have the power to choose a different perception. By recognizing the eternal presence of truth, we can release the grip of ego and align ourselves with love, peace, and oneness.

It is important to note that understanding the Holy Instant requires a willingness to let go of our attachments to the illusions of the ego. This may involve facing deep-seated fears, questioning our beliefs, and releasing the judgments that keep us separate from others. However, the reward of experiencing the holy instant is immeasurable. It allows us to tap into the truth of our being and connect with the divine presence that is always available to us.

ACIM Holy Instant

Table: Contrasting Illusion and Reality

Illusion Reality
Fear and conflict Peace and harmony
Separation and loneliness Unity and connection
Guilt and judgment Forgiveness and acceptance
Scarcity and lack Abundance and fulfillment

“Behind every false idea lies the truth.” – A Course in Miracles

Awakening to the Soft, Sweet “Waking Up”

The journey of awakening to the Holy Instant is a gentle and sustainable process that unfolds over time. It is not an abrupt event but a gradual shift in perception, a soft and sweet “waking up” to the truth of our unity with all of creation. As you quiet the mind and invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, you create space for moments of release and peace to enter your life. The practice of the Holy Instant is a journey of deepening awareness and inner transformation.

A Course in Miracles reminds us that we are allowed to be happy, to know peace, and to be one with Creation. It invites us to surrender our illusions and embrace the joy and love that are inherent in the Holy Instant. This process requires patience and dedication as we navigate the layers of conditioning and beliefs that have kept us separate from our true nature. With each step on this path, we release the grip of ego-based thinking and allow the light of divine wisdom to guide us.

“The Holy Instant is your invitation to salvation, since being received it is returned, and by its return is proof that it is true. Step back awhile and look upon it not in judgment. Be you willing to forgive illusion in yourself and see beyond it. I cannot ask your faith in what you do not want. Yet your insistence in wanting faith in it proclaims your faithlessness. A journey such as this, however long, demands the faith to start it.” – A Course in Miracles

Embracing the Journey of Awakening

The journey of awakening to the Holy Instant is a deeply personal one. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-liberation. As you commit to understanding the teachings of A Course in Miracles and integrating them into your daily life, you open yourself to the transformative power of the Holy Instant. Trust that each moment of release brings you closer to the truth of your being, and that every step on this journey is valuable in its own right.

Allow yourself to be guided by the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit within you. Cultivate a practice of meditation and inner reflection to quiet the noise of the ego and create a space for divine guidance. In this sacred space, you will find the strength and clarity to release your attachments to illusions and experience the reality of oneness and love.

The Journey of Awakening to the Holy Instant Key Elements
1. Quiet the Mind Still your thoughts through meditation and create inner stillness.
2. Invite the Presence of the Holy Spirit Ask for guidance and surrender your illusions to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
3. Release Attachments to Illusions Recognize false images and beliefs, bringing them to the Holy Spirit for healing and release.
4. Embrace the Journey Commit to the journey of awakening, knowing that each step brings you closer to the truth of your being.

Remember that the journey of awakening to the Holy Instant is a process of undoing, a gradual unearthing of the truth that has always been within you. Trust in the power of love and let it guide you on this transformative path. As you release the grip of illusions and embrace the truth of your unity with all of creation, you will experience the blessings of divine love and peace.

ACIM spiritual awakening image

Remembering Our True Nature

The Holy Instant teaches us to remember our true nature, our divine essence that is connected to the Source of all existence. From a young age, we may have had glimpses of this truth, but slowly lost touch with it as we identified more with our separate self. However, the journey back to remembering our true nature is possible, as the divine spark within us can never be extinguished. A Course in Miracles guides us to reconnect with our true essence and experience the blessings of divine love and peace.

In the midst of our belief in separation and the experience of fear, guilt, and conflict, the Holy Instant reminds us that we are always unified with Creation. It teaches us that truth is eternal and always present, regardless of our illusions. Although we may perceive a world of separation, it is only because we have chosen to see it that way. The Holy Instant invites us to let go of our ego-based perceptions and recognize the divine nature of reality.

Through the practice of the Holy Instant teachings, we can release the false images offered by the ego and experience moments of release and peace. By surrendering our illusions and embracing the wisdom and love of the Holy Spirit, we can awaken to the truth of our unity with all of creation. This awakening may take time and require us to face our fears and guilt, but it is a journey towards inner peace, love, and spiritual awakening.

Benefits of Remembering Our True Nature ACIM Teachings
Experience divine love and peace Focus on the Holy Instant to release illusions and choose reality
Recognize our unity with all of creation Practice forgiveness to let go of guilt and open up to oneness
Awaken to the truth of our divine essence Quiet the mind and invite the presence of the Holy Spirit through meditation
Live in harmony with the ever-changing river of life Embrace the eternal presence of truth and let go of ego-based perceptions

Remembering our true nature, the essence of who we are, is a transformative journey that leads us to experience the joy, love, and peace that are inherent in the Holy Instant. It is an invitation to release our illusions and embrace the truth of our unity with all of creation. Through the practice of the Holy Instant teachings, we can reconnect with our divine essence and live a life that is in alignment with our true nature.

Releasing Guilt and Embracing Forgiveness

One of the key teachings in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is the importance of releasing guilt and embracing forgiveness. Guilt stems from past mistakes and the belief in separation, preventing us from experiencing the holy instant. The study guide provided by ACIM offers guidance on how to navigate the process of forgiveness, empowering us to let go of guilt and open ourselves up to the experience of oneness and love.

Guilt is a heavy burden that weighs us down and hinders our spiritual growth. It stems from an attachment to past “sins” and the belief that we are separate from God and others. However, the teachings of ACIM remind us that we are not defined by our past actions. By choosing forgiveness, we free ourselves from the chains of guilt and allow healing to take place.

The practice of forgiveness involves releasing the judgment we hold against ourselves and others. It is an act of compassion and understanding, recognizing that we are all fallible beings who make mistakes. Through forgiveness, we acknowledge our shared humanity and embrace the truth that we are all deserving of love and forgiveness.

As we let go of guilt and embrace forgiveness, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of the Holy Instant. We free ourselves from the bondage of the past and create space for the present moment to be filled with love, peace, and unity. By choosing forgiveness, we align ourselves with the teachings of ACIM and invite healing into our lives.

ACIM study guide

The Path to Inner Peace

Embracing forgiveness is a vital step on the path to inner peace. It liberates us from the burden of guilt and allows us to experience the blessings of divine love and freedom. The ACIM study guide offers practical tools and techniques to support us in this journey, providing a roadmap to navigate the process of forgiveness and release.

Benefits of Forgiveness Steps for Practicing Forgiveness
– Freedom from guilt and shame – Recognize the judgment and resentment
– Deepening of self-compassion and compassion for others – Willingness to release the need for vindication
– Restoration of peace and harmony – Change perception and see through the lens of love
– Opening the heart to love and unity – Practice gratitude and extend forgiveness

Remember, forgiveness is a journey, and it may take time. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate this process. With the support of the ACIM study guide and the teachings of the Holy Instant, you can release guilt, embrace forgiveness, and experience the profound peace that comes from knowing your true nature.

Unity in the Ever-Changing River of Life

The Holy Instant teachings in A Course in Miracles remind us that beyond the ever-changing nature of reality lies a presence that never changes. It is the essence of our true nature and the eternal truth of our being. This presence is that to which the river of life appears and without which it cannot be said to exist. It is the underlying unity that connects all of creation.

In the journey of understanding the Holy Instant, we are invited to let go of our ego-based perceptions and embrace the truth of our unity with all of existence. The Holy Instant teachings guide us to recognize that the world of illusions and separation is not real, and that the reality of unity and oneness is always present, even if we momentarily forget it.

As we deepen our understanding of the Holy Instant, we come to realize that unity is not just a philosophical concept, but a lived experience. It is the awareness that we are all interconnected, that what affects one of us affects all of us. Unity teaches us compassion, empathy, and love for our fellow beings, as we recognize that we are all part of the same river of life.


The Holy Instant is a profound concept in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) that invites you to understand the power of your choices. By recognizing and releasing false images through the practice of the Holy Instant teachings, you can experience moments of peace and release from the ego’s influence. This concept reminds you of your true nature, your unity with all of creation, and the eternal presence of truth.

Through the journey of understanding the Holy Instant, you are guided to let go of guilt and embrace forgiveness. ACIM offers a study guide to help you navigate this process and discover the path to inner peace and freedom. By choosing forgiveness for yourself and others, you open up to the experience of oneness and love.

Embracing the Holy Instant is a gradual waking up to the truth of your divine essence. By quieting the mind, inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit, and surrendering your illusions, you can experience the soft and sweet awakening to the joy and love that are inherent in the Holy Instant. This journey towards spiritual awakening may take time, but it leads you towards a deeper understanding of ACIM and the blessings of divine love and peace.


What is the Holy Instant?

The Holy Instant is a moment of release from the ego’s influence and the recognition of our unity with all of creation. It is a concept central to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and teaches us to choose between illusions and reality in every moment.

What happens when we choose illusions?

When we choose illusions, we perpetuate the belief in separation and experience conflict, fear, and guilt.

What happens when we choose reality?

By choosing reality, we can experience peace, love, and oneness.

Why do we sometimes forget our unity with the Source?

Despite forgetting, the Holy Instant reminds us that we are always connected to our Source. The practice of recognizing false images and bringing them to the Holy Spirit helps us release them and experience moments of the holy instant.

How can we experience the Holy Instant?

To experience the Holy Instant, it is important to quiet the mind and invite the presence of the Holy Spirit. By stilling our thoughts and asking for guidance, we create space for moments of release and peace.

Is the Holy Instant an abrupt event?

No, the Holy Instant is a gentle and sustainable process. It is a gradual shift in perspective, a waking up to the truth of our unity with all of creation.

How can forgiveness help us experience the holy instant?

The Holy Instant teachings emphasize the power of forgiveness. By choosing to forgive ourselves and others, we can release guilt and open up to the experience of oneness and love.

What is the eternal presence of truth?

The eternal presence of truth is the essence of our true nature and the truth of our being. It is the divine nature of reality that remains unchanged by our illusions.

How can we remember our true nature?

Through the Holy Instant teachings in A Course in Miracles, we can recognize false images and bring them to the Holy Spirit. By practicing meditation and deep introspection, we can release these illusions and remember our divine essence.

How does the Holy Instant lead us to inner peace?

The Holy Instant invites us to release the burden of guilt and choose forgiveness. By letting go of guilt, we can open up to the experience of oneness and love, leading us on the path to inner peace and freedom.

How can we find unity in the ever-changing river of life?

The Holy Instant teachings remind us that beyond the ever-changing nature of reality lies a presence that never changes. By embracing this truth and recognizing our unity with all of creation, we can live in harmony with the river of life and know the joy of oneness.

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