If you’re ready to embark on a spiritual journey and dive into the profound teachings of A Course in Miracles, then look no further than Alan Cohen’s enlightening book, “A Course in Miracles Made Easy.” Cohen, with his witty and relatable writing style, has managed to demystify the often complex concepts of ACIM and make them accessible to all.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alan Cohen’s book, “A Course in Miracles Made Easy,” offers a simplified and humorous approach to understanding ACIM.
  • The teachings of ACIM, channeled through Dr. Helen Schucman, aim to dissolve illusions and promote oneness.
  • Cohen’s book provides valuable insights and personal anecdotes that demonstrate the transformative power of ACIM.
  • By emphasizing the choice between love and fear, Cohen encourages readers to embrace their inherent greatness.
  • A Course in Miracles Made Easy” serves as a comprehensive primer for those seeking spiritual clarity and a deeper understanding of ACIM.

Introduction to A Course in Miracles

Welcome to the world of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), a spiritual study guide that offers profound insights into understanding the nature of reality and the power of forgiveness. Developed by Dr. Helen Schucman, a respected psychologist, ACIM aims to reframe our understanding of the Bible and guide us towards a path of inner peace and spiritual awakening.

With ACIM, the goal is to dissolve the illusions that keep us trapped in fear and separation. The course teaches us to let go of the ego and embrace the oneness that connects us all. It is important to note that ACIM is not tied to any specific religion, allowing individuals from all backgrounds to find value and guidance within its teachings.

In his book, “A Course in Miracles Made Easy,” Alan Cohen introduces readers to the fundamental concepts and principles of ACIM in a simplified and accessible manner. Cohen draws from his extensive experience of studying and teaching ACIM for over thirty years, providing a unique perspective and deep understanding of its teachings. Through personal anecdotes and relatable examples, Cohen demonstrates how the principles of ACIM can be applied in our everyday lives to transform our perception of ourselves and the world around us.

So, whether you are new to ACIM or seeking a fresh perspective on its teachings, Cohen’s book serves as an excellent introduction and companion on your spiritual journey. Embrace the opportunity to explore the profound wisdom of A Course in Miracles and discover the power of forgiveness, love, and inner peace.

Table: Key Teachings of A Course in Miracles

Concept Description
The Illusion of Separation Recognizing that our perception of separation is an illusion and that we are all interconnected.
The Power of Forgiveness Understanding that forgiveness is a pathway to inner peace and the release of grievances.
Miracles as Shifts in Perception Realizing that miracles occur when we shift our perception from fear to love.
The Choice Between Love and Fear Acknowledging that we have the power to choose love over fear in every moment.
The Ego’s Illusions Unraveling the ego’s deceptive beliefs and discovering our true identity beyond the ego-mind.

“A Course in Miracles Made Easy” provides a gateway into the transformative teachings of ACIM. Through wit and wisdom, Alan Cohen breaks down the complexities of the course, making it accessible and relatable to all. Dive into the world of ACIM and discover the profound truths that lie within.”

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening as you delve into the teachings of A Course in Miracles. Through Alan Cohen’s guidance, you will gain a deeper understanding of ACIM’s core principles, paving the way for a life filled with forgiveness, love, and miracles.

The Wisdom and Insights of A Course in Miracles Made Easy

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the profound teachings of A Course in Miracles, Alan Cohen’s book, “A Course in Miracles Made Easy,” is here to make your journey a little smoother. With over thirty years of studying and teaching ACIM, Cohen brings a wealth of wisdom and insights to help you navigate the course’s principles with ease.

Cohen’s approach is refreshingly straightforward and humorous, making the lofty truths of ACIM accessible even to those who may find the original text daunting. Through personal stories and anecdotes, he demonstrates how the teachings of ACIM can transform lives and lead to a profound shift in perception.

“A Course in Miracles Made Easy” provides a practical and relatable guide to understanding the course’s teachings. Cohen’s wit and wisdom create a delightful reading experience while delivering profound spiritual insights. This book is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to apply the lessons of ACIM in their daily lives.”

– Kenneth Bok, host of an ACIM YouTube show

In “A Course in Miracles Made Easy,” Cohen covers various concepts, including identity, victimhood, sin, and the power of the inner voice. He breaks down these complex ideas into bite-sized nuggets of wisdom, allowing readers to grasp the essence of ACIM and apply it to their own lives.

Concept Understanding
Identity Cohen helps readers explore the illusion of separation and discover their true identity as spiritual beings.
Victimhood Through examples and practical exercises, Cohen teaches how to release the victim mentality and choose empowerment.
Sin Cohen reframes the concept of sin as simply a mistaken perception, offering forgiveness and healing as the path to liberation.
Inner Voice By tapping into the wisdom of the inner voice, readers can access divine guidance and live a more aligned and purposeful life.

Whether you’re new to A Course in Miracles or a seasoned practitioner, “A Course in Miracles Made Easy” is a valuable resource that demystifies the teachings and empowers you to embrace a life of love, forgiveness, and miracles. Through Cohen’s guidance, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of ACIM and embark on a transformative journey that leads to inner peace and spiritual awakening.


So, you’ve reached the end of this captivating journey into the world of “A Course in Miracles Made Easy” by Alan Cohen. What a delightful ride it has been! Cohen’s spiritual course offers a refreshing perspective that transcends the confines of traditional teachings.

With his witty and relatable approach, Cohen effortlessly navigates the complexities of ACIM, making it accessible to spiritual seekers from all walks of life. His book serves as a beacon of light, illuminating the path to self-discovery and inner peace.

Through “A Course in Miracles Made Easy,” Cohen invites you to tap into your inherent greatness and embrace the power of love. He reminds you that you hold the key to transforming your life and creating a world rooted in harmony and compassion.

So, dear reader, take a leap of faith and embark on this extraordinary journey. Let the wisdom of Alan Cohen’s spiritual course guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Open your heart, unleash your inner miracle, and discover the transformative power within. Your spiritual awakening awaits!


What is "A Course in Miracles Made Easy" by Alan Cohen?

“A Course in Miracles Made Easy” is a book written by Alan Cohen that offers a simplified and humorous approach to understanding the teachings of “A Course in Miracles.” It provides valuable insights and practical guidance for individuals on a spiritual journey.

How does "A Course in Miracles Made Easy" make the teachings of "A Course in Miracles" more accessible?

Alan Cohen presents the teachings in a straightforward and relatable manner, using humor and personal anecdotes to illustrate their transformative power. His book breaks down complex concepts and makes them easier to understand, even for those who may find the original “A Course in Miracles” text daunting.

Who is Alan Cohen and why is he qualified to write about "A Course in Miracles"?

Alan Cohen has over thirty years of experience studying and teaching “A Course in Miracles.” He brings a unique perspective and comprehensive understanding of the course’s principles to his book. Cohen’s expertise and personal journey with “A Course in Miracles” make him a qualified author on the subject.

Can "A Course in Miracles Made Easy" be a substitute for the original "A Course in Miracles" text?

While “A Course in Miracles Made Easy” offers a simplified and accessible introduction to the teachings of “A Course in Miracles,” it is not meant to replace the original text. It serves as a valuable resource for those who may not have the time or opportunity to delve into the full course.

What is the main message of "A Course in Miracles Made Easy"?

“A Course in Miracles Made Easy” emphasizes the choice between love and fear. Alan Cohen encourages readers to embrace their inherent greatness and create a world rooted in love and peace. The book teaches individuals to trust their intuition, let go of the ego, and live from a place of love and unity.