The month of April every year for me has truly become a magical time. Big shifts, big life changing events have occurred. April 14th 2017 my book Live Your Happy launched. April 30th 2017 I got engaged to my now husband Christian Mauerer. April 20th 2018 my son Ari...
Although the term happy dream is used relatively infrequently in A Course in Miracles, it remains an extremely important concept and holds a crucial place in the Course’s theory and process. Unfortunately, it has often been a concept badly misunderstood by...
We have two teachers we can choose from. Depending on which thought system we choose, we are literally deciding whether to live in hell (where ego takes us) or heaven (the Holy Spirit’s neighborhood). These are not places in the afterlife; they are the ways we...
Being an actress and TV host for all my adult life, I never had a steady income. I only made money when I booked a job. This helped me build trust in the flow of income in my life and the confidence to know that I am always provided for. There were times after my...
Old trust is the kind you learned growing up. It is the faith you place in your limited perceptions, such as: I am going to trust you because you seem like a good person. I am going to trust this situation because in the past it worked out, and so on. The old trust...
We must pay close attention to our ego thoughts. We make them real by giving life to them and believing them — but that means we can change them. What holds us back from doing what we feel called to do is not “out there,” but in- side. What holds us back, or takes us...